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Fire Drill

Fire Marshals responsibilities
Fire Drill
fire evacuation drill

Holding regular fire drills is one of the most important aspects of your responsibilities as an employer, landlords, dutyholders, responsible persons or any other persons who have control of the building.


Contact us today for more details 0131 663 3804

Fire Procedure


Prior to any Fire Drill being carried out you should ensure that adequate fire procedures have been formulated and implemented. These include:


  • Staff responsibilities

  • Evacuation including evacuation for disabled persons

  • Accounting for persons

  • Identity of person(s) liaising with fire crews attending an incident


Staff should receive annual training in respect of their responsibilities by way of a suitable Fire Marshals or Fire Wardens course. Contact Fire Scotland for staff training.​


How often should a Fire Drill be carried out?

​​At least once per year however the result of the Fire Risk Assessment will dictate how often this should be done. Contact Fire Scotland for a Fire Risk Assessment quote. ​

Buildings of Multiple Occupation will require a drill to be carried out at least twice a year usually in the spring and autumn.

​Actuating your Fire Drill.


  • Arrange in advance a suitable date and time for a drill to take place.

  • Liaise with all heads of departments and all building user group heads usually two day prior to a drill.

  • Contact the Alarm Response Centre prior to activation (if facility exists).

  • Monitor and time the evacuation.

  • Ensure that persons with responsibilities carry out their duties.

  • Ensure everyone is out and accounted for.

  • Check that the person in charge of the Fire Assembly Point has all the required information to pass onto the Fire Officer in Charge.

  • A debrief will take place at the Fire Assembly Point with any recommendations verbally communicated.

  • A copy of the Fire Evacuation report will be sent to all relevant persons with any recommended modifications communicated in writing.

Fire Scotland carries out Fire drill actuations and observations on behalf of Landlords, Facility Managers, employers and duty holders throughout the country.


If you are interested in professional management of your fire safety evacuation drill or any other related matter we will be happy to talk to you.


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